
Artículos indizados por orden cronológico en los últimos cuatro años.


  1. Viv. y Com. Sus.
    Transferencia dinámica de calor en muros de block hueco en una vivienda con ventilación natural
    José Manuel Torre, Irene Marincic Lovriha, Guadalupe Huelsz Lesbros, and 1 more author
    Vivienda y Comunidades Sustentables, Jul 2023


  1. Ing. Inv. y Tec.
    Importance of taking into account the thermal mass in simulations for a non-air-conditioned house
    Guadalupe Huelsz, Gabriela Alvarez, Jorge Rojas, and 1 more author
    Ingenieria Investigacion y Tecnologia,, Jul 2022
  2. J. of Buil. Phys.
    Didactic device for teaching the importance of the time-dependent model for heat transfer calculations in constructive systems of buildings
    Guillermo Ramírez-Zúńiga, Guillermo Barrios, and Guadalupe Huelsz
    Journal of Building Physics,, Jul 2022


  1. J. of Buil. Eng.
    Validation of thermal simulations of a non air conditioned office building in different seasonal, occupancy and ventilation conditions
    Ivette Calixto, Guadalupe Huelsz, Guillermo Barrios, and 1 more author
    Journal of Building Engineering,, Jul 2021
  2. Energy Build
    Evaluation of heat transfer models for hollow blocks in whole-building energy simulations
    Guadalupe Huelsz, Guillermo Barrios, and Jorge Rojas
    Energy and Building,, Jul 2021


  1. Eur. J. Mech. B
    Heat transfer and flow transitions of a thermal plume generated by a heating element on the enclosure bottom wall
    Guillermo Barrios, Guadalupe Huelsz, and Raúl Rechtman
    European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids,, Jul 2019